
Thursday, August 25, 2022

Japan Actually Encouraging Young Adults To Drink More Alcohol

Concerned about falling alcohol tax revenue, as well company profits, the government of Japan is now literally encouraging young adults to drink more alcohol.  Yes, you read that right.  They are even going so far as to hold a contest.  Apparently, alcohol consumption among young people has been falling since the 1990s, and even more so recently, with tax and business revenues falling along with it.

But most surprisingly of all, they are still NOT planning on lowering their drinking age to 18 to match their new age of majority.  They lowered their general age of majority earlier this year from 20 to 18, but still kept their smoking and drinking ages at 20, because reasons.  Or something.  Yes, really.

Stranger than fiction indeed!  And not nearly enough (facepalm) in the world to cover this!


  1. While in the US, 20-year-old "minors" are hired by police forces to do underage drinking stings at 7/11s.

    1. Why would 18-20 year olds volunteer for such work?

    2. Not sure, honestly. Maybe some young adults are interested in law enforcement, and it's something to put on a resume, or maybe some of them feel that they're genuinely doing their community a service by busting minimum wage clerks for selling a hard lemonade to 20-year-olds. Young adults drink and smoke less today, and it's no longer seen as cool as it was once in years prior to underage drink.

    3. In New York, a clerk can be arrested for "child endangerment/unlawful dealing with a child" if they are caught selling liquor to someone under 21 years old, even if the child in question is over the age of 18.

    4. I know, right? It's ridiculous. They are ageist collaborators and traitors to their own age group, basically.
