
Thursday, December 23, 2021

Have A Safe And Happy Holiday Season

(This is a public service announcement)

It is that time of year again when the holidays are upon us, and many of us Americans (and around the world) will be celebrating with alcohol and/or other substances, even if they are doing it rather differently this year for obvious reasons.  We at Twenty-One Debunked would like to remind everyone to be safe and celebrate responsibly.  There is absolutely no excuse for drunk driving at any age, period.  We cannot stress this enough.  It's very simple--if you plan to drive, don't drink, and if you plan to drink, don't drive.  It's really not rocket science, folks.  And there are numerous ways to avoid mixing the two.  Designate a sober driver, take a cab, use public transportation, crash on the couch, or even walk if you have to.  Or stay home and celebrate there.  Or simply don't drink--nobody's got a gun to your head.  Seriously, don't be stupid about it!  And the same goes for other psychoactive substances as well, and a fortiori when combined with alcohol.

ARRIVE ALIVE, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!!   If you plan to drink, don't forget to think!  The life you save may very well be your own.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. It's funny you mention scapegoating. Whenever police agencies do alcohol/tobacco compliance checks "or stings" to enforce the law about selling to minors, they always use "minors" who are 19 or 20, rarely anyone who is 17 or younger.

  3. In many states you can also be charged as an adult for underage drinking if you're 18-20. Meaning, a 18-year-old who is caught drinking a beer can get arrested or cited and face stiffer fines while a 17-year-old just gets picked up by his parents.

  4. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  5. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  6. It's MADD1984 again. Don't feed the troll people. All the points they just made on this thread have already been debunked on the other thread. There's no point making the same arguments again and again as we'll never get anywhere. So just ignore them.

    1. Indeed. I deleted their comments just now, and will continue deleting any comments from trolls going forward.

    2. Good idea. Turns out MADD1984 is the same person as anonymous3214, as can be found from this thread:

      You may want to delete those comments as well.

    3. Indeed, I will. Thanks for the heads up.

  7. Replies
    1. Lmao, the name is a dead give away about what they advocate for. Every time I argue a position, I get called a child by this person. Can't win.

    2. Anyways, Happy New Year everyone! hope 2022 will be good to you.

    3. Happy New Year from Airstrip One!

  8. Young adults who are 18-20 years old should be treated like adults. Those who are 17 years old should not face draconian penalties when it comes to possession or drinking of alcoholic beverages. Zero tolerance penalties are also not an answer.

  9. Don't forget to listen to some good arguments against drinking age laws by Leon Louw and Alistair Cooke:

    1. I saw those now, those are great. I will make an article of those myself as well.

  10. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  11. Note to trolls: all of your comments will be deleted. Period. Twenty-One Debunked believes in freedom of speech, but that does NOT mean we should let our blog be used as a platform for your deliberate and persistent trolling!
