
Monday, August 2, 2021

The No-Brainer Solution To The College Question (2021 Edition)

Last August, Twenty-One Debunked had argued that colleges and universities should reopen with minimal restrictions for the most part.  And guess what, we still do, with even fewer restrictions still.  

This time around, that means:

No vaccine mandates or "passports" for anyone 
No mask mandates for anyone 
No testing mandates, except perhaps a rapid test for students upon initial arrival on campus and before and after long holiday breaks, as well as perhaps for certain employees 
No quarantines for anyone unless testing positive and/or showing symptoms 
No prison-like rules or conditions 
No six-foot antisocial distancing rules (at least not outside the classroom)
No public or private gathering bans (ok, maybe a Rule of 500 if you really wanna be anal about it)
No closures or class cancellations lasting more than a few days, if even that
No kicking students out of dorms en masse to be sent home to infect their parents/grandparents 
All classes in-person full-time (unless students choose otherwise)
100% capacity 

And, of course, lower the drinking age to 18, along with the smoking and toking age too.  Or at the very least, treat it as such de facto if not officially.

Let America Be America Again!

'Nuff said

UPDATE 1:  The Tweet below is precisely what we do NOT want to see.  EVER AGAIN.

Ironically, their neighbor "Zoo Mass" sounds like LESS of a zoo in comparison.  As for K-12 schools, once again Sweden still has the right idea overall:

I mean, Team Reality has only been saying exactly this for the past 18 months, right?

UPDATE 2:  As of the end of September, it looks like many if not most colleges in the USA, from state schools all the way to Ivy League schools are NOT heeding our advice one bit.  Even ones with a 100% vaccination rate (!) due to mandates seem to have the craziest rules that would make Orwell himself blush!  These overpriced gilded cage wannabe prisons need to be boycotted at once, as that is the only way to get them to stop this insanity for good.  Honestly, if you can't find a college that offers even a near-normal college experience after 18 months of this madness, perhaps you should take a gap year (or two or three as the case may be) until you can find one.


  1. Unfortunately, a majority of people in the U.S. no longer believe in the importance of personal liberty. People in this country are alright with totalitarianism. Universities and colleges will continue to require vaccines and vaccine passports. Universities and colleges will require the rules outlined in the article because the media and government will promote those rules.

    1. Alas that is true. If there is any sort of silver lining to be gleaned from this pandemic and the response to it, it would be that it would completely and permanently lay waste to the illusion of control. Most people deep down know by now that we really can't control this or any airborne respiratory virus any more than we can control the weather, at least not in the long run. But the authoritarians on the other hand, which broadly defined includes about 20% of the population, luuurrrves to pretend otherwise. And since at least half the population is happy on their knees, the authoritarians can still maintain the upper hand.
