
Thursday, January 23, 2020

Sketchy Vape Vendors, Stop Spamming And Advertising On This Site!

To anyone who has been spamming and advertising questionable things in the comments section of our blog posts, we at Twenty-One Debunked are asking you to stop doing so.  Yesterday.  Just because of the subject matter of our blog posts or the fact that they contain certain key words, it does NOT mean that you should take that as an invitation to hawk your sketchy wares here.  Needless to say, I have deleted all of your posts.  Don't let the door hit you on the way out.

This applies particularly to people persistently trying to advertise black-market cannabis vaping products (which of course are most likely adulterated with questionable and harmful additives) in the comments section of our posts.  That is practically the definition of chutzpah, given the fact that the "mystery" vaping illness (EVALI) has in fact been traced to adulterants such products.  Twenty-One Debunked does NOT endorse or support the sale, use, or promotion of ANY illicit or black-market products, period.  So cease and desist NOW.  You have been warned.

And for any readers who seek to buy such black-market vape products, please keep in mind that you are essentially playing Russian Roulette when you buy such sketchy stuff, since there is ZERO quality control and a massive profit motive to adulterate their products to inflate their profit margins.  Nearly 60 people have been KILLED by such products, and over 2600 have been seriously injured and sickened.

So buyer beware!


  1. Replies
    1. And yet these sketchy vendors have the GALL to advertise in this very post! (I deleted their ads, and will continue to do so.)
