Saturday, October 27, 2018

Guess Who Now Openly Supports Tobacco 21 Laws? Go On, Guess...

Tobacco 21 laws, or laws that raise the age limit to buy tobacco products to 21, are unfortunately gaining popularity as a sort of "feel good" measure despite the relative dearth of evidence backing them up.  Well, now we can add a new name to the list of supporters:  Philip Morris Altria Group.  That's right, a company whose former name is literally synonymous with Big Tobacco now supports, whether grudgingly or otherwise, a smoking age of 21 (even at the federal level) despite at least feigning opposition just a few years ago followed by awkward silence on the topic.

So why the sudden turnaround?  Probably a cynical combination of public relations as well as the realization that raising the smoking age to 21 (compared to 18) in several states and localities did NOT really end up hurting their bottom lines after all.  And even more cynically, they can perhaps now leverage the arguably enhanced forbidden fruit effect to their own benefit, all while patting themselves on the back for their "corporate social responsibility".


You know, kinda like they did all along (to one degree or another) when the age limit was 18, and like the alcohol industry has done with the 21 drinking age.  Put up a public fight at first, take a dive, stay quiet for a few years, then publicly support the new laws while leveraging them (and simultaneously fighting against higher taxes or any new regulations).  Quislings.

Thus, it is safe to say that our cynicism is now fully maxed out.  And that really says something indeed.


  1. I also hate what we have become in recent years. There is still time to turn things around, but that window is closing fast. As Five Finger Death Punch would say, it's stranger than fiction, how we've decayed...

    1. The U.S. has decayed in recent years, however, what the Altria Group has done is simply standard operating procedure. As was said here, alcoholic beverage companies enthusiastically support the oppressive drinking age of 21. It is the norm in the U.S. to oppress young people for being young. Liberals and progressives don't realize that youth rights are part of civil rights, why is that? You may ask, it's because liberals and progressives believe in advancing society through oppression. Opposition to youth rights fits in their paradigm.

  2. The hypocrisy and cynicism in this country is unreal. I think that the reason why Altria Group supports a smoking age of 21 is the absurd amount of ageism in this country. Ageists want a tolitharian police state for young people, which is tyranny. Medical fascism is also strong. People will support anything or than freedom, nowadays. The U.S. has become a tyrannical support with the support for that tyranny coming from it's own people, just like in the book, 1984. Liberals and progressives are very much responsible for this climate of corporate responsibility which has probably forced the Altria Group to act this way. I am not a liberal or progressive because they are tyrants first. Everything else is window dressing.

  3. Tyrants may call themselves liberal or progressive, but they are nothing but wolves in sheep's clothing. Bernie is a real progressive, and he would never be like that. Ditto for Dennis Kucinich, who went on the record saying that the drinking age should be 18 and the voting age should be 16.

  4. Apparently, there is a book out called "Zero Hour for Gen X: How the Last Adult Generation Can Save America from Millennials". The level of discrimination against Millennials from people in Generation X is truly disturbing.

    1. Disturbing and disgusting. Did they forget what it was like be young themselves in the shadow of the Boomers? Apparently did--either that, or their memories are mostly fiction.

    2. And Gen X will not save America. That is a job for--wait for it--Millennials and post-Millennials in fact.

  5. And Reynolds American also jumped on the Tobacco 21 bandwagon as well. FEH.
