
Sunday, March 25, 2018

18 in '18

Reminder: It is now 2018, and this year may be the very best chance we have had in a long time to lower the legal drinking age to 18.  With the Amethyst Initiative and Choose Responsibility already now over a decade old and ultimately a flash in the pan, and the relative dormancy of our movement since about 2012 or so, it's time to start the "third wave" of our movement now.  We need to be re-invigorated like never before.  And that is an understatement!

Thus, we need to start getting "18 in '18" initiatives on the ballot in as many states as possible, in addition to pressuring our legislators to lower the drinking age to 18.  With the mid-term elections likely to be "on fire" in terms of more voter turnout than usual, especially for young people, it seems that at least some such initiatives may have a chance.

Let America be America Again, and lower the drinking age to 18.  If you're old enough to go to war, you're old enough to go to the bar.  'Nuff said.

What better time than now?


  1. The legacy of Prohibitionism from decades ago has left a negative impact on our society. Alcoholic beverages are too often talked about as "evil" and as an excuse as to why some people do bad things. The culture about alcoholic beverages in this country will need to be improved for this movement to suceed. This society should get away from the misguided thinking from the Prohibition era. Alcoholic beverages should be thought as beverages which require some level of personal responsibility. In this society, people like to blame their behavior on alcoholic beverages, which is not the truth. Thus, alcoholic beverages receive attributes that are not based on reality.

  2. Isn't this entry from January?
