
Saturday, December 30, 2017

The One Thing That Philip J. Cook and Wayland Ellis Both Agree On

Sometimes an idea comes along that is so compelling that even polar opposites of a particular ideological or public policy spectrum are willing to at least grudgingly embrace.  And sometimes that idea is not only not a new one, but has existed since practically forever yet has been largely underutilized all the same despite all the evidence in its favor.

Take the following two authors and researchers:  Philip J. Cook (author of Paying the Tab:  The Costs And Benefits of Alcohol Control) and Wayland Ellis (author of Abolish the Drinking Age:  The Conservative Case Against Alcohol Regulation).  The two can be considered to be each other's foil in many ways in regards to alcohol.  Cook is American, pro-21, pro-regulation, leans a bit more liberal than conservative, and leans more communitarian than libertarian.  In contrast, Ellis is British, anti-21, anti-regulation, conservative by British standards, and leans quite libertarian even by American standards.   

And yet, there is one thing that they both agree on:  the single most effective public policy measure to reduce alcohol-related harms is higher alcohol prices, such as through higher alcohol taxes.  Cook arrives at that conclusion enthusiastically while Ellis arrives at it perhaps a bit grudgingly, but the conclusion is the same regardless despite their otherwise polar opposite views on the drinking age and alcohol regulation in general.  Now that really says something!

And it pans out, given the reams upon reams of research evidence that arrive at that same conclusion in a wide variety of times, places, demographics, and functional forms.  Twenty-One Debunked generally agrees more with Cook than Ellis on most of the topics under discussion with the notable exception of the drinking age of course.  Especially since Cook's own 1984 study with Tauchen was one of the now-outdated studies that convinced the feds to force states to raise the drinking age to 21 in the first place.  We agree with Cook on some things, Ellis on others, and clearly agree with both on the issue of alcohol taxes.  Alcohol prices relative to inflation and income are currently at a record low in the USA, in no small part because taxes are at at a record low as well.  And there really is no overarching benefit to society for alcohol to be that cheap, while there is plenty of proven and serious harm from the excessive drinking (among all ages) that such cheap alcohol encourages.

Twenty-One Debunked supports lowering the drinking age to 18, while also raising and equalizing the federal alcohol taxes across the board to $24/proof-gallon, equal to the inflation-adjusted 1991 level for distilled spirits.  That would be a little more than an extra dollar for a six-pack of beer or an extra dollar on a fifth of liquor.  That could be done more gradually by first raising it to $16/proof-gallon and then to $24 a year later. Additionally, we would also be fine with (though not necessarily wedded to) the idea of setting a minimum price of $0.50-0.75 per standard drink or at least banning the practice of retailers selling alcohol below cost (already banned in many states).   Cook would support the latter idea of a price floor while Ellis would most likely not, but both would at least support higher alcohol taxes.

So what are we waiting for?


  1. Wayland Ellis is my type of person, he understands the importance of liberty while Phillip J. Cook justifies tolithatianism. Raising the price of alcoholic beverages will reduce the effects of people who make irresponsible decisions with alcoholic beverages. Young people who are 18-20 years old have nothing to do with middle aged people making bad decisions. In this country, young people are oppressed because society expects young people to not have civil rights or civil liberties. To make advances in this movement, we will have to singlemindly pursure the goal of lowering drinking age. Nothing else should matter in this movement because people who can be agreed on with other topics are usually ageists when it comes to youth rights.

  2. Indeed, even many otherwise self-proclaimed "progressives" can be their own worst enemy when it comes to "too hot to handle" issues like the drinking age, which transcend the whole left/right axis. So we often have to go it alone in our movement without the help of these fair-weather friends on the left.

  3. I believe that the youth rights movement, including movement to lower the drinking age, is fundamentally Libertarian or conservative. Thus, in this movement we shouldn't ally ourselves with the Democratic Party. We should ally ourselves with the Libertarian Party. Liberals are quick to spew junk science but libertarians and conservatives are more likely to put individual liberty over junk science supported tolithatianism.
