
Saturday, February 8, 2014

FebFast is Here

Similar to last year's 40-Day Challenge, Twenty-One Debunked is participating in the fairly new Australian tradition of FebFast.  To wit, it involves no drinking at all during the entire 28 days of February.  Or one can choose the "half-arsed" option, and go a mere two weeks without drinking.  Just about any drinker would benefit from a good detox period, and the benefits include improved health and energy, a better bank balance, and a better quality of life overall.  As the FebFast folks would say, it's just the tonic for you.

If you have read a previous version of this post, please disregard the second paragraph.  The idea outlined therein was admittedly silly and kind of takes away from the overall mission of Twenty-One Debunked.  I'm sure that anyone who wants to see a cached version will just Google it anyway, but remember that it is no longer the case, and we apologize for such inane logorrhea (i.e. diarrhea of the mouth or keyboard).


  1. I think I might follow the FebFast tradition but the tradition of not drinking from Ash Wednesday to Good Friday takes a lot of days in which a person following those traditions won't be able to drink alcoholic beverages.

  2. I was going to go the full 28 days of February but I had such an incredibly rough day at work on the 14th that I caved, and ended up doing the "half-arsed" version, lol.
