Sunday, February 16, 2025
Why Do Small Alcohol Tax/Price Hikes Have Such Large Effects On Drunk Driving Casualties?
Saturday, February 8, 2025
Sorry, Cannabis Legalization STILL NOT Crazy-Making, Or Deadly For That Matter
Sunday, February 2, 2025
Thomas Jefferson Predicted Exactly Why Minimum Unit Pricing Would Fail
Looks like good old Thomas Jefferson, the third President of the United States and one of America's Founding Fathers, had uncannily predicted long ago why the recent "Minimum Unit Pricing" of alcoholic beverages in Scotland and Wales would end up failing so miserably even on its own terms:
"No nation is drunken where wine is cheap; and none sober where the dearness of wine substitutes ardent [i.e. distilled] spirits as the common beverage. It is, in truth, the only antidote to the bane of whiskey."
And there you have it. Substitute "beer" or "cider" for "wine" and it still makes just as much if not more sense, especially in the UK. That is NOT to say that the price mechanism (via taxation or otherwise) is useless, far from it. All else being equal, we know that higher alcohol prices = fewer alcohol-related problems and deaths, at least to a point. But the Jeffersonian wisdom above DOES add a VERY important nuance, namely that the RELATIVE price of less-concentrated alcoholic beverages (beer, wine, cider) compared with the more-concentrated distilled spirits (hard liquor) is more important than the absolute prices of either.
Consider this: the UK as a whole already had, and still has, fairly high but (until recently) very uneven taxes on alcohol to begin with. Wine and especially cider have long enjoyed lower taxes (and thus lower prices per standard drink) compared with beer and hard liquor there. Thus, the heaviest problem drinkers, especially poorer ones, often went for cheap and strong cider to get the most "bang for the buck". Enter minimum unit pricing, a price floor across the board per standard drink which had a much larger effect on raising the price of cider compared with hard liquor. The unintended consequence? At least some of the heaviest drinkers likely at least partially switched to liquor as a result, and ended up getting drunker than they otherwise would, with predictable negative effects.
That said, in the USA where alcohol taxes are much lower, especially for distilled spirits, such a price floor may very well be a net benefit overall. And even in the UK, changing it to a two-tier price floor where distilled spirits would have a higher minimum price per standard drink than non-distilled beverages may very well too. But as it stands currently in Scotland and Wales? It's generally pretty weak sauce at best as far as public health is considered.
Oh, and don't ever expect MADD to admit this either. They have in the past at least half-heartedly called for higher beer taxes, of course, but remained strangely quiet about liquor taxes. It's almost like someone is greasing their palms, or something. Nah, that's crazy conspiracy talk, right?
Sunday, January 12, 2025
Will There Be Nicotine Limits for Cigarettes?
Lately, there has been some talk of the outgoing Biden administration possibly doing an eleventh-hour Hail Mary, and officially propose a hard limit on nicotine levels in combustible cigarettes. If done properly, this would make cigarettes less addictive or even non-addictive, and would be a major win for public health. A randomized controlled trial of reduced nicotine versus full nicotine cigarettes in 2015 appears to back up that claim quite well.
Twenty-One Debunked is officially on the fence about this idea, cautiously supporting it in principle while also being wary of potential unintended consequences as far as creating a black market for full nicotine cigarettes. If they do it, they would have to phase out the full nicotine cigarettes gradually, and also leave alone non-combustible alternative tobacco/nicotine products (except for capping the nicotine levels in vapes to European levels, which we support). And even loose roll-your-own and pipe tobacco should be spared, as those are not the main drivers of the tobacco smoking epidemic. Only ready-made combustible cigarettes and little cigars should be affected in our view.
Failing that, here is a "Cliffs Notes" style list on how to make cigarettes and other smokeable tobacco products less addictive and appealing WITHOUT banning it outright or nicotine below natural levels:
- First and foremost, BAN ADDITIVES! No non-tobacco ingredients should be added, period.
- Adding extra nicotine deliberately should also be banned as well.
- Require the smoke pH to be 8 or higher to discourage deep inhalation of smoke, as it naturally was prior to the 20th century.
- Phase out the pH-lowering and environmentally unsustainable practice of flue-curing tobacco.
- Phase out cigarette "filters", which don't really filter, and merely provide a false sense of security to smokers, and inherently creates a major toxic waste littering problem to boot.
Wednesday, January 1, 2025
What Will 2025 Bring for Youth Rights?
It's 2025 now, and things look pretty bleak for youth rights in general. Not only is the 21 drinking age (and smoking age and toking age) not going away anytime soon, but now we have to deal with the latest social media bans and restrictions on young people. Florida's literally goes into effect today, for example. This law bans anyone under 14 from signing up for or maintaining a social media account at all, and for anyone over 14 but under 16 from doing so without verified parental consent. How they plan to do it without it backfiring on older youth and adults is not clear, but either way, it is very wrong-headed at best. And we know it won't stop there, as it won't be long before it gets raised to 18 and then 19 and then 21 and so on. That is, slopes are MUCH, MUCH slipperier than they appear!
Fortunately, it is being challenged in court, and pending the outcome of such challenges, enforcement is unlikely to begin until at least February at the earliest.
And then of course we have Trump coming back into the office of POTUS for a second term on January 20th. That alone will be a new dark age for America, especially with his puppet master Elon Muskrat pulling his strings. Trump has not exactly been a friend of youth rights, as evident in his raising the federal smoking age to 21 in late 2019. Just like DeSanctimonious did the same for Florida in 2021, after initially opposing it. And of course, Trump and MAGA Republicans and Talibangelicals seeking to systematically revoke women's rights will of course not bode well for youth rights either, if history is any indication.
So buckle up, as it will be a VERY wild ride!
Sunday, December 22, 2024
Have A Safe And Happy Holiday Season
(This is a public service announcement)
It is that time of year again when the holidays are upon us, and many of us Americans (and around the world) will be celebrating with alcohol and/or other substances, pretty much back to normal now. We at Twenty-One Debunked would like to remind everyone to be safe and celebrate responsibly. There is absolutely no excuse for drunk driving at any age, period. We cannot stress this enough. It's very simple--if you plan to drive, don't drink, and if you plan to drink, don't drive. It's really not rocket science, folks. And there are numerous ways to avoid mixing the two. Designate a sober driver, take a cab, use public transportation, crash on the couch, or even walk if you have to. Or stay home and celebrate there. Or simply don't drink--nobody's got a gun to your head. Seriously, don't be stupid about it! And the same goes for other psychoactive substances as well, and a fortiori when combined with alcohol.ARRIVE ALIVE, DON'T DRINK AND DRIVE!!! If you plan to drink, don't forget to think! The life you save may very well be your own.
Tuesday, December 3, 2024
Australia Has Fallen
Or, "Et Tu, Australia?"
Australia recently passed a sweeping new law setting a binding legal age limit of 16 for at least most social media. It will take full effect in one year from its passage. And aside from their notably illiberal and draconian measures during the Covid pandemic (and the fact that they were of course descended from a penal colony), this kind of thing is quite out of character to say the least for a country that has long prided itself on being relatively free-spirited and is quite famous for the saying and attitude of "no worries, mate".
Mike Males wrote an excellent Substack article from a youth rights perspective, discussing just how wrong and harmful it is for the state to do that to young people. And we at Twenty-One Debunked agree with him. But even if you the reader don't agree with him, and are smug about this law perhaps appeasing the illiberal and ageist social-mediaphobes in charge, consider this: it will NOT stop there. Mark my words, the moment they see that their voodoo didn't really work, they will triple down and expand the restrictions, tighten the age verification requirements, and/or keep increasing the age limit higher and higher. And this will also backfire on adults as well, endangering everyone's civil rights way beyond anonymity, given the privacy and cybersecurity pitfalls inherent to ALL forms of online age verification that would be even modestly effective.
What should be done instead is what we have long advocated, as has the Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF): a "Privacy First" approach, that is, comprehensive data privacy legislation for ALL ages, which, at a minimum, bans surveillance advertising as well as "dark patterns" and other similarly deceptive and ethically questionable practices. That will throw the proverbial One Ring into the fire for good. But of course, Big Tech would NOT like that.
Also, simply adding more "friction" would also make such platforms safer and less addictive overall.
So what are we waiting for?
P.S. Australia has never had any equivalent to America's Section 230, so the fact that they saw the need to "get tough" on social media companies implies that they had just as much of a problem as the USA. Thus, outright repeal of Section 230 (as opposed to much more nuanced and narrow reforms in regards to personalization of feeds and algorithms) as some ignorant social-mediaphobes have suggested would solve absolutely nothing, and would do far more harm than good. Don't do it! You have been warned.
UPDATE: Pari Esfandiari also wrote a great essay about how such a ban will do more harm than good.
Sunday, November 3, 2024
The Law Of Eristic Escalation Revisited
Or, "Politics In One Lesson"
There is an eternal law of nature that at once explains just about everything, and even makes politics possible to finally understand. It is called The Law of Eristic Escalation:
Imposition of Order = Escalation of Chaos
By that, it pertains to any arbitrary or coercive imposition of order, which at least in the long run, actually causes disorder (chaos) to escalate. Fenderson's Amendment further adds that "the tighter the order in question is maintained, the longer the consequent chaos takes to escalate, BUT the more it does when it does." Finally, the Thudthwacker Addendum still further adds that this relationship is nonlinear, thus rendering the resulting escalation of chaos completely unpredictable in terms of the original imposition of order.
We see the real world consequences of this in everything from Prohibition to the War on (people who use a few particular) Drugs to zero tolerance policies to Covid lockdowns to sexual repression and so much more. And, of course, especially in the ageist abomination that is the 21 drinking age. Any short-term benefits that these arbitrary and coercive impositions of order may provide is entirely outweighed when they inevitably backfire in the long run. Miron and Tetelbaum (2009), Asch and Levy (1987 and 1990), and Males (1986) illustrate this very nicely in the case of the 21 drinking age.
Perhaps that is why most bans on various things have historically had a track record that is quite lackluster at best. Ironically, bans tend to give more power to the very things that they seek to ban.
And now, ladies and gentlemen, you finally understand politics.
P.S. The Dutch seem to understand this better. They even have a proverb: "when you permit, you control", which is the antithesis of the American proverb, "when you permit, you promote". Carl Jung would also likely have a field day with that as well.
Saturday, October 26, 2024
Blowing Hot And Cold (Cognition)
Thursday, October 3, 2024
Tobacco 21 Laws' Benefits Are An Illusion
Another recent study found that while self-reported teen smoking and vaping rates declined after Tobacco 21 laws, biomarker exposure showed mixed evidence at best, implying that fewer young smokers are identifying as smokers (and similar findings for vaping). Thus, the supposed reductions in smoking and vaping in surveys and sales data are at least largely an artifact of underreporting and cross-border shopping rather than real reductions. Oops!
Looks like it was all just another mirage, kinda like with the 21 drinking age. What next, a study that finds that water is wet and the sun rises in the east?